Patent Valuation, Monetization and Investments


Patent Valuation


Markman Advisors assists companies with valuing portfolios of patents, either for internal uses or within the M&A context.  We deploy a proprietary set of 15 to 20 unique metrics that stress-test the strength of patents and determine their monetary value.

Unlike other patent valuation firms, we do not rely upon commonly-used metrics for valuing patents, such as forward and backward citations.  These are weak indicators of a patent’s true value.  Instead, we bring our first-hand experience as litigators to assessing the strengths and weaknesses of patents, as well as the likely scope of damages, that other patent-valuations services typically miss (including issues related to Alice, Nautilus, IPXL, joint-infringement, among others.)

Please contact us to learn more about our patent valuation services.  Prior valuation reports (which have been excerpted and redacted) are available for viewing.

Case Study:  Acting on behalf of Crossroads Systems, Inc. ($CRDS), Markman Advisors (through its sister law firm) conducted a valuation and action plan of Crossroads’ “non-972” patent portfolio, which included an in-depth analysis of 120+ patents.  See Crossroads’ August 19, 2014 press release here.